Adel Alaali
6 min readOct 24, 2021

  1. What are the advantages of Ethics Idol as an ethics training communication medium over in-person PowerPoint training?

It is of the utmost importance for large organizations, and in particular global corporations such as Cisco, to maintain ethical standards and uniform compliance amongst employees. And to maintain such standards, an ethics training module, such as that implemented per the case study’s scenario, should be considered. As a fact attesting to the aforementioned, leadership should consider including an entertaining and engaging experience for the workman’s ethical training experience as it will inherently encourage group participation \ group thinking. As described in the aforenoted text, Cisco Systems and therein its 65,000 worldwide employees have realized both financial and governance success after effecting the ethics training overhaul.

Cisco’s success is indeed an ode to the design of the training modules architecture. The module’s success in keeping employees engaged is further evident by Ciscos lagging-success phenomenon.

The degree to which one is successful is influenced by two things: its immediate effects, and the effects it will have post facto. Therefore, with 96% of Ciscos employees furthermore engaged in a similar activity post facto attests to Cisco’s success.

The lagging phenomenon experienced with cisco indicates the training module’s affect were successful in being engaging and relatable. Cisco realized success by relating ethical issues to common thought, postulations, and perhaps ideology. Moreover, Sysco found itself defaulted for a win because, by leveraging group think, the company was able to shift ideology.

Sysco realized both a positive outlook on the organization’s bottom line as well ass better adherence to compliance-related regulations and issues. This is both a covenant to what success entails (therein, leveraging Ethics Idol); and moreover, serves as a testament to what doesn’t work.

Realizing anomalous shifts, with wide-ranging variation is a double-sided sword: On one hand, the organizational leaders did something correct; however, on the other hand, it could be argued that (per any reasonable metric), there could e exist a pervasive pattern of continuing training modules, despite its perversions.

Therefore, coincidently, the observed statistics indicate Ciscos prior training methodology was somewhat unsuccessful, being that the company realized a contrasting shift in results, year on end.

Per the training modules demarcation, which skews favorable results: one can reconize a skewed distributed array, which deviates a to a roughly 99.7% increase in organizational productivity(per all 3 weighted metrics), ad valorem.Though these results are heavily pendent on organizational idiosyncrasies, when one considers Cisco’s global presence and diverse workforce, they too, could also consider that perhaps the company’s success is also indeed predicated its successful employee outreach efforts.

; or — perhaps, the effectiveness of the program’s outreach was the start to what would be one of many subsequent small successes within the module’s implementation.

Therefore, such attestments, alone do not constitute an answer as to why _ is better than the alternative, simple PowerPoint presentations. The module’s effectiveness is also compounded by its general availability to Cisco’s employees.

The training module was available to all of Ciscos multi-national corporations. Therein, the company saved on costs, as producing

Ethics Idol can be considered a better cost-effective solution when compared to Ethics Idol.

Being a cost-effective solution, the module saved Cisco much overhead in training fees and the subsequent legal fees from a result (of now preventable) of corporate malfeasance. and ethical decision making

However, being cost-effective, easy to understand, relatable, and wimsacle does not necessarily encapsulate the whole reason as to why _ is better than PowerPoints.

So to further Pidgeon me into a philosophical rabbit-hole, one must consider this conjecture: The correlation between having an entertaining module and receiving employee engagement does not constitute causation.

Therefore, perhaps, the increase in Cisco’s engagement may not only be attributed to the module’s entertaining nature but rather a credit to a better fitted and augmented module, and as a result, the corporation realized an increased population sample, all with higher engagement.

Wherein, audio-dubs, and voice-overs could serve as a cost-effective solution in distributing global training modules. — presumably, having a larger population (more people) and better sample (higher engagement) furthermore broadened the somewhat anomalous gap found in Ciscos failure, last year; and their successes, this year.

Moreover, the success attributed to Ethics Idol could be a threading unit, serving as the organization’s impetus to what one may define and its success. Thus by theory/conjectures- Cisco could realize a decrease in overhead — wherein the company’s balance sheet would have fewer malfeasance penalties and tort.

Cisco’s statements and the results post dictum indicate that the organization’s former methodology was either flawed or highly inefficient — of course, presuming the former implementation was power-point-centric. Though not specifically indicated in the case study, it can be theorized Ciscos _ success.

Though perceivably fun, I personally would not enjoy this training module — nor would I enjoy the older methodology with PowerPoint. Having worked within an industry, where attunement and possibly ethics is is skewed to short-term P&L statements and monthly infusions in the form of sales commissions (or loan origination commissions). Therefore, every second not spent working a client is time lost, with potential earnings being culled. In my scenario, the opportunity cost of not selling (a very very loosely defined term, btw) could incur unrealized gains — a situation considered unideal when living in an expensive city. Furthermore, given my personality traits- both nuanced and redeemable — and eccentric idiosyncrasies, I doubt I would find much value in wasting time watching ‘something’, when it could easily be read. (Hint- not a TV/Anything watcher.)

  1. Ethos, pathos, and logos — an appeal to ones centric

Ethical conduct, mannerism, and e etiquettes could be a negative manifestation of one’s ego. Therein, the personification of one’s ego in itself is the very cause for one committing unscrupulous acts.

One can ascertain, and moreover influence another’s thought processes, especially when _ with ethics by appealing to their pathos logos ethos.

To such an effort, one may ascertain whether the premise behind any instances of observed ethical theory. In such respects, a well-adjusted observer may label their subject with preconceived notions, such as the constraints one may incur when observing deontologist and utilitarian decision

Therein, an observer can ascertain directional information juxtaposition Ing one’s peculiarities to the spectrum of personality traits.

Therefore, in relation to advocating ethical decision-making, I first would appeal to one’s ethos, attempting to self-perception and confidence with a fresh ethical logo. And perhaps, an observer could appeal to one logos, or there’s logos or the appeal to one thought processes

The premise of appealing to one’s logos is to get them to actually think. Transversely — and in an ironic manner — to instill ethical habits, one must furthermore train the audience in the art of unthinking. (The concept of ‘Un thinking’ over-saturated concept, handed heavily; wherein over-zealous publishers and self-help authors amalgamate as an industry of itself.)

The rather jaded colloquial of, ‘un-F-your-thinking’ should _ a _ for readers. Think about it: According to my guestimates, 99% of self-help books sell the same thing within a different package: ‘How to un-f-our-thinking. If one cannot master the art of unthinking, one can never learn to think; therefore I would teach ethics by training one to think ethically. Th

Again think about it, 99% of these books are telling all of you to un-F-yourThinking, so rather in a transverse headwind, those self-help books have been, for the most part, solely attuned to teaching us to change our thought processes. therefore, I would appeal to one’s logos by finding, deconstructing, and adjusting idiosyncratic patterns within their maladaptive thought process.

Thanks — Adel Al-Aali

This week we cover Chapter 9, Communication. For this week’s discussion forum, we will review the case study in Chapter 9 entitled Communicating Ethics at Cisco and respond to the following question

Adel Alaali
Adel Alaali

Written by Adel Alaali

College Guy, Construction Worker, Curious Mind.

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